Welcome, it is a pleasure to meet you!

Hopefully, you have landed on this page because you are interested in starting a role play! I can hardly wait to embark on a literary adventure with you!Feel free to navigate around. If there is a question that this site doesn’t answer, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask. I promise you will not be obligated to continue contact should you find my answers unsatisfactory.I look forward to hearing from you!

Last Update: 11/28/2023

About Me

A pleasure to meet you! My name is Carmen, though I'm best known at a glance as Nahogani. I'm currently thirty years old. When I was a wee little bean, I started roleplaying on Neopets. I have since maintained the hobby for over seventeen years.When it comes to my roleplay preferences, I'm not particularly stringent on any desires. I regularly sprinkle a dash of fantasy into my writing, but I'm always eager to try something new. I tend to most enjoy the character development aspects of writing.We do not talk about how many roleplay partners I have at any given time.Outside of roleplaying, I enjoy passing the time by reading, playing D&D, experimenting with a variety of art mediums, and video games. I'm an avid player of farming games; my fortuitous turnip harvest lures all the townsfolk to my fields. I have two cats, Calcifer and Willow, who are small fur demons – I'm always willing to offer cat pictures to those in need.I always am interested in helping people out or making new friends – so please say hello!


Response Rate:
Due to my daily schedule and other roleplays, I can only really commit to replying once a week. While I do aim for multiple times a week, I can sometimes take up to a month. I don’t do rapid-fire or scheduled response times unless it is a small side roleplay with much lower expectations for length and depth. If I am not going to be available to respond in the expected time frame, I will let you know, and I would appreciate that courtesy in return. I will usually move a roleplay to my archives if I haven’t received a response, and there was no warning of a break for over a month. Though I am often willing to pick back up if you reach out again when life is less hectic.
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I never know how to address this particular point. I would like to think I am fairly literate, but I do suffer from grammatical errors. I rely heavily on spellcheck and will not be writing my own books anytime soon. My response length tends to match that of my partner, though I usually find I am most comfortable writing in the two to five-paragraph range. I adore character development and world-building, meaning I am excited to see them in the roleplay and discuss them OOC. I would prefer to avoid one-line responses from my partners. It may also be helpful to note that when roleplaying, I write almost exclusively in the third person and in the past tense.
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I am comfortable with NSFW content, though only in cases where my partner is 18+. That being said, any NSFW content added must make sense in the context of the role play. I have hard limits on non-consent, gore, extreme violence, harm to children, harm to animals, or kinks involving bodily fluids. I would want to discuss limits with my partner before each role play, as I find it is important to know the limits within the content of each chosen plot.
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I really enjoy OOC chatter with my roleplay partners, having fostered some amazing friendships over my years indulging in this hobby. I have also, however, experienced some people who struggled with understanding boundaries. As a result, I would like to be very clear: I am not looking for any sort of real-life romantic or sexual relationship. I would love to become good friends, but nothing more than that. As long as there is a healthy respect for boundaries and an understanding that real life comes first, I am eager to get to know you.
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Character Genders & Doubling:
I personally tend to enjoy roleplaying a cast of characters. I am comfortable writing characters of any gender and orientation, though I am most familiar with writing the female in an MxF pairing.

Writing Samples

Would you like more samples than what I have provided below? Then you are in luck! I have compiled a Google Document that I update regularly, which you can find here.

High Fantasy
Typical Reply
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The slim tome had been nestled behind the works of Bertalimass and Hornatius, their pages dusty and forgotten. Annoyance at the deliberate misplacement was soon eclipsed by curiosity as Morwen Solonna turned the bound text over in her hands with a quiet reverence.
Many years had passed since the lore keeper's daughter had come across a book she did not recognize. Of course, there were the scrolls and pages brought to the archives to be preserved with patient affection. This, however, was different. Despite the evident age indicated by yellowing pages and a well-worn spine, it was devoid of the usual signs of neglect.Something old, something new.The familiar rhyme haunting her all morning slipped into her head.A pity this is not blue. Though stealing it from the Public Library wouldn't exactly count as borrowing. Nor do I think Gailwen would appreciate a tome, even as a gift.With a sigh, Morwen Solonna set the book atop the stack of books she had set aside to check out before scooping them into her arms like one might an unruly toddler. Now, her chin resting on the topmost book, she leisurely perused the shelves for anything that might take her mind off the upcoming nuptials.The announcement shouldn't have come as such a surprise. Gailwen was the sun, not just Morwen's moon. But the archivist found herself wishing she could hoard her twin down in the basement with the rest of her projects, safe from the prying eyes of the court. But just as the moon could only hope to eclipse the sun for a few shining moments, it would be impossible for Morwen to keep Gailwen from blazing brightly.Fiddlesticks.

Contact Me

Interested in roleplaying? I can hardly wait! Please feel free to reach out to me.Discord Handle: Nahogani